Saturday, December 19, 2009

What To Do... What To Do...

I am effectively done with classes for the semester. I have one little final left, but it is nothing of consequence. Perhaps the most distressing fact is that I should be graduating today.

Damn you pharmacy school with your overly specific pre-req!

The bigger question is what the hell do I do now? It's the first time in almost three years that I haven't had a class to worry about or been studying for some big test. I literally have four weeks to do whatever the hell I want and I have no idea what I should do. Tie on the fact that the stress of needing good grades to get into pharmacy school is now gone and I'm even more lost.

Recently I've become reacquainted with the gym. I've probably put on about 30 pounds or so over the last two years seeing as I've dedicated the majority of my time to my studies. Actually I forgot how much I liked going to the gym, so I at least have something to occupy me for roughly an hour each day.

Where to go from there, though, I have no idea. Maybe it's time to actually go visit friends since I find it awkward that I haven't really seen my main circle of friends in almost six months. Maybe its time to finally upgrade the hard drive on my PS3 like I have been meaning to do for almost a year.

It's very odd, I feel slightly lost. I have nothing to focus a big chunk of my time on. Is this what it's like to be a normal college student?


BigEvilRx said...

Here is a question for you. What are your top ten things to do before you're dead? Do you have a 'Bucket List'? Maybe you can scratch one of them off like jumping out of an airplane or even better a movie marathon. Yeah, it shows how big of a nerd I am, but I LOVE movie marathons.

Perhaps you can travel to a foreign country or just another state. It must be awful not having something to keep you busy. I've taken the time off school to focus on the PCTE on the 28th of this month.

Anyways, I hope you find something to do.

P.S. Have you heard of this movie called 'Don't Shoot The Pharmacist'?

Phathead said...

I have many things I would like to do in life, but most require the one thing I don't have much of; money.

There will be time for that later.

And yes, I saw the movie shortly after it came out. Was a pain to find though. I think TAP or someone had it up on his blog initially.

The wife and I are kind of movie buffs. We're approaching 500 DVDs/Blurays