Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Love My Tramadol

We have a gentleman whom has his prescriptions filled here. Of course his pride and joy is his beloved tramadol. He happens to call us about 15 times a day (this is no exaggeration, we usually have a tally chart up daily). We give him a 30 day supply of his tramadol, he calls on day 3 asking for a refill. For privacy sake we shall call him Fucktard.

So Fucktard, today, has called 13 times so far. Once he called three times, asking the same question, within five minutes. Fucktard is obviously on some other planet, and I'm surprised he can remember his own name.

My question is, can I treat him like a little kid? I would so love to tell him that if he calls one more time, we're not gonna be able to fill his tramadol for another week. Ethically I know this is wrong, but Fucktard annoys me. In fact as I am writing this I am being told that Fucktard is on the phone asking for a refill on his tramadol. I shall let him sweat it out on hold for a while. At least I know I can do that.


Frantic Pharmacist said...

I hear ya, what IS it with the tramadol?? We have a customer whose script is to last 13 days with refills no earlier than the
10th day, and he is there on Day 10 like clockwork.

Anonymous said...

So, is it time to make ole' tramadol a federally controlled drug, or not?

Phathead said...

I have no idea why it isn't. I remember them pushing for it a few years back, but it obviously failed. We ended up with over 20 cars by the time I left at 1pm.

pharmageek said...

I had a Trammaddict whose profile reads "DO NOT CALL MD W REQUESTS FOR EARLY FILL!" in her profile call 5 times one evening for early fill. Gotta get the ok from MD, I tell her. Going on vaca. Next morning, doc calls to ok her an emergency fill of 4 days supply for her mother's funeral. Funny- she went to her mother's funeral last time I worked here...
She picked up her 4 days supply, I counse
lled it was a one-time only fill. Ten minutes later, phone rings- she wants to know when she can pick up her regular prescription.
My response- "Four days later than you would have fifteen minutes ago."

Unknown said...

Nice post I want to buy tramadol with a great discount and I need to know if I always take more pills of Cialis Online, I could have an addiction for this medicament?

Mad Pharmacy Tech said...

Tramadol has been the bane of my existence since it came out. I have no idea why it's never been made a controlled drug, but the claims of it not being habit forming are very wrong. We have a few at my retail job that come calling at least 2 weeks ahead all the time as well.