Saturday, June 14, 2008

Smoke Breaks

I pride myself in being a non-smoker. Especially when you are in this profession it makes of little sense to exercise an activity which will eventually kill you. I do not have an issue with those who smoke as that as their choice. I will ask, on some occasions, that someone not smoke (i.e. when eating). Other than that I say its your choice and you have to live with the effect that may have on you.

What I do not understand is how smokers can be given so many 'smoke breaks'. I've seen this at the various pharmacies I have worked at, I have seen it at businesses other than my own. People going out several times a day to 'have a smoke' and relax. Once again, I have no qualms about this. My friends at work who take their smoke breaks I applaud them for getting to take such a break. But here is where my bitch comes in. If I were to simply sit down for a minute and one of the higher ups were there I would be chastised for not doing any work.

My question is then why are smokers awarded 'smoke breaks', when at times I can't even rest my feet for five minutes or so? I would love to be able to take 3 or 4 or 5 couple minute breaks a day. Hell that would probably make my day go a helluva lot smoother. Just something I don't really understand....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If your bosses ask you what you are doing sitting down, tell them you're taking your smoke break, but it happens that you don't smoke.