Monday, March 9, 2009

Rash Season

Everyone is well aware of the flu season, the cough & cold season and some are even aware of lice season (i.e. the first month of school). As summer looms though, there is a season which few outside of the medical profession are aware of. A season which can cause even the most seasoned medical professional to cringe. That season... is Rash Season.

Usually with the advent of spring you have the advent of rashes. People can get away with no showering semi-decently during the winter. Once temps begin to rise and moisture is added to the air, rashes begin to appear.

Soon you start seeing scaly stomachs, swollen cottage cheese asses and the always scary 400lb pustuled breasts. It is not spring time unless a 400lb woman lifts her shirt to show you the massive rash that has engulfed her fun sacks.

Usually those new to the field will find themselves running to the bathroom to vomit. I recommend one of those cute little airline puking bags.

Each and every year though, there is always one whom supersedes everything you have seen prior to this particular rash season. Will it be a penis swollen to the size of a PVC pipe? Will it be a Abe Lincoln-shaped rash on someone's ass? No one can say for sure.

So as this day nears us, I offer all of you fellow brethren in the medical fields to raise a glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage, grab your Dramamine and hang on for the joys that is Rash Season.


EC said...

The town I work in is all about some Staph. Seriously. I think at least 1 out of every 4 people must have a boil. Grossness. We dispense Bactrim and Bactroban ointment like it's goin outta style.

Michael Guzzo said...
