Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Oxycontin OCs: Dedication to Live By

If you haven't received a phone call in the past few weeks of someone asking if you have "any of the Oxycodone tablets with the OCs on it." Then you're probably not working in a pharmacy. It's most likely a Radio Shack. Or maybe a Wendy's.

Probably should check on that.

Earlier this week though, the one OCer took this dedication to a whole new level. This person, for some unknown reason, asked the pharmacist the following question.
"Yea I uh... I threw up a little while ago and uh.... well I threw up my Oxycontin and they're the ones that work with the OC on them and uhhh... is it okay if I take uhh... if I take them again?"
Ya know what, if you're willing to re-ingest your freshly vomited Oxy, you go right ahead. Hell, while you're at it, there might be some left in your shit so why don't you make a sandwich out of that too.

Who says addicts can be dedicated to their trade? I felt like I should give her a freakin' award first for the mental capacity to even come up with such an act, and second for the desire to complete it. It's truly an astounding feat, much like this video.

Actually, I take that back because at least the monkey didn't lick the finger...

1 comment:

Paul Trusten said...

Attention, drug addicts and doctor shoppers: when you seek this kind of advice from a pharmacist, you are tipping your hand big-time!

Also, if you really want to buffalo the pharmacist, dress like a Mormon, cover your tattoos, get a haircut, put a Cross pen in your suit pocket, and by all means, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. But, as usual, you're too high to listen to me.