Sunday, August 22, 2010

Would You Like Your Plavix Toasted?

Ran into a guy on my way to lunch yesterday at work. He was standing near the pharmacy section of the store looking perplexed at all of the various pill boxes. Naturally, I decided to ask if he needed help.

He replied yes, he had lost his 7 day box this morning. I asked him what happened to it when he told me a short story.
You see I filled my box for the week with all of my medications. I then proceeded to put it in the microwave, on high, and set it for five minutes. I do not know why I did this.

After it dinged, I saw that everything had melted together. I tried to suck up the liquid with a straw, but the straw melted too. Now I guess I need a new pill box to hold everything.
**Letting that digest**

If you had guessed I stood there wide-eyed with mouth gaping, you would be completely correct. Why on Earth this man had done this, not even he had known. It is one of the most strange things I have ever had a patient tell me in the ten years I've been associated.

I guess, whenever I have the opportunity again, the next time I take a prescription from a patient, I will have to ask them if they want it toasted. Or melted.



Grumpy, M.D. said...

Depakote melts in your pants pocket from body heat.

The Redheaded Pharmacist said...

How about scattered, smothered, covered, diced, chunked, and... oh wait, that is something else right?

Anonymous said...

@Grumpy- depakote does a good job of melting your brain and takes your hair with it. All the while not helping the migraines. At least that was my experience.

TiredRPh said...

Whoah! That's a new one. Haven't heard anything that good in over 20 years of pharmacy.

The only thing that comes close is the lady who dyed all of her pills with food coloring so she could tell them apart. Needless to say she had a half dissolved clump of tablets left in her bottles.

Phathead said...


Can't say I've seen that used too often for migraines. But considering it smells like marshmellows, it makes sense it would melt like that lol