So often in retail pharmacy you become jaded to what people are actually like. When I'm training someone new, I like to reinforce that you have to be prepared to explain things in very simple terms to patients. And to also be prepared to hear assine things because no matter how stupid you may think a patient is, they can take it up a notch without warning.
Yes, I know that sounds terrible, but you can only hear so many times about someone shoving a suppository WITH the wrapper still on up their ass. It's a fact of life in pharmacy though, nothing ceases to amaze me.
But I digress, for the last ten years this is the type of thing I have seen. People generally pissed off that they aren't getting their way (whether they have a good reason or not) with the occasional kind, understanding person.
Today I was reminded that not everyone is wired that way.
By the halfway point of my first shift on the floor of Big Evil today, I was on my own. And I was shocked, shocked, at how kind and understanding the vast majority of the customers were.
Quite nearly everyone was understanding and helpful, people were laughing and smiling. It was such an utterly stark change from what I'm used to that I could hardly believe it. I didn't have anyone glare or yell at me all day long.
It was amazing.
Perhaps I am a bit on the jaded side from the past few years. Maybe I do need to start giving people a little more credit than I have been.
Who knew I would actually learn something from this little gig?
turn back while you can, oh aspiring pharmacist. the money is not worth it. you wont take my word, i know.... but someday you will wish you had.
i think cleaning houses will be better.
As someone who has worked in retail customer service for four and a half years, I have seen a lot of things that just amaze me, from a mother sending her 14 year old son to use fake coupons to get 150 cans of food for free to people coming back a week later to pay for the second bag of dog food left in the cart that they forgot to mention to the cashier.
The one thing you have to remember is that, no matter how bad a person gets, the next person can always be a total opposite.
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