Friday, February 12, 2010

Everyone is as Cool as Me

Since this blog began on that chilly Fall day in 2008 there have been several underlying themes to my posts. Sure there are the rants on pharmacy, college, motorsports and the likes. But there is one theme, which I mention off and on on a semi-regular basis, that has recently garnered national attention.

I don't want to say I was the first one to state it, but I do think I deserve some recognition for it. Especially since several people over the years have said I was down right nuts for thinking it.

What is this mind blowing fact?

That Betty White is the greatest senior citizen in the history of mankind.

Proof is as follows on posts from March 24th, 2008 (Back when no one read this little blog) and June 12th, 2009.

You guys can send all of your congratulations to:

I thank you for supporting my awesomeness in this spectacular time.

1 comment:

Frantic Pharmacist said...

Her Super Bowl commercial was the BEST!