Monday, July 6, 2009

This Is How You Find Me?

Was going through the blogs stats the other day and I've noticed some of the things people have searched for and found this blog. Some of them I really don't get:

what is a fupa
- I'm actually pretty proud of that one.

i want to see a women get rape and have a baby in the ass
- What?

"jack meoff"
- Ohhhhhh yeah...

midget transvestite porn
- Seriously, this one pops up almost once a day

sticking in a suppository
- Glad I could help someone there

weird jesus sightings
- Maybe I should become a church...

testicle massage u tube
- Huh?

asshole pharmacist
- Man, TAP beats me by two sites...

To all you who were searching for some kind of porn or jesus or testicle information, Welcome! I am glad to have you here at this blog!


BigEvilRx said...

While we are on the topic of your do you have the blog roll order it by latest update? I know I have a different system (wordpress) but that's a cool feature.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I've noticed some odd stuff leading to my blog, too, but nothing quite like you have.

Phathead said...

BigEvil - That's a preinstalled widget on Blogger here. No idea how it works, but it is pretty nifty lol

Anonymous said...

Are you somewhat implying that I, of all people, am an asshole?

For shame! I had no idea!

Phathead said...

I, of course, mean asshole in the best way possible. Just disappointed that I wasn't number one :(

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Geez, and I so wanted to be #1.

Phathead said...

I dunno, if you search asshole doctor, maybe you'll show up as number one! Something to aim for at least.

Phathead said...

I dunno, if you search asshole doctor, maybe you'll show up as number one! Something to aim for at least.