Sunday, March 8, 2009

Musings from the Public

As if I don't bitch enough about my work, I figured it's time for some excepts from the past few days

Idiot #1: Why the hell did you guys open an hour late this morning? Did you forget it was Daylight Savings last night?
Me: No, you move the clock an hour ahead, not behind.
Idiot #1: Oh. You still shoulda opened on time.
Idiot #2: I need something for this wicked diarrhea I have.
RPh: Well there's always Imodium in Aisle 3
Idiot #2: No I want that shit in that wicked purple lookin' box.
RPh: You mean Prilosec?
Idiot #2: Yea! Where can I find that shit at?
Idiot on Phone: Hi, do you guys sell placebos or any kind of horse tranquilizers?
Darwin Award Winner: So those suppositories you guys gave me... they're a bit uncomfortable
Me: Well sometimes people have a hard time getting accustomed to taking medication like that
DAW (hahaha get it?): Well I mean I started bleeding a little bit. The edges on it are kinda sharp, is there anything I can do to dull them
Me: Have you tried taking the foil off the suppositories?
DAW: Is it safe to do that??
Confused Old Man: Where are your drills and drill bits?
MENSA Candiate: Yo I need my tramadol filled
Me: Well we gave you #240 just 6 days ago
MENSA: But I'm out
Me: Ok, but your directions say 2 to 3 tablets every six hours as needed. And then the doctor put a note on there limiting you to 8 tablets a day
MENSA: Oh shit, a day? I thought he meant per dose
Me: It say's right on the label 'MAX OF 8 TABLETS PER DAY'
MENSA: Shit... Am I gonna die?
Idiot #3: Hi I'd like to reorder my Nimrod
Me: Ok... do you mean your Nimotop?
Idiot #3: Yea, that's what I said, my Nimrod

To think, I may be doing this for the next fifty years


Anonymous said...

Haha all these years I thought my head pharmacist was kidding to make a point about how suppository scripts must always be typed in starting with "UNWRAP and insert one...."

People truly are morons sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious as to what action was taken by the MENSA Candidate, and what the Pharmacist suggested. As far as I know, tramadol is for pain. Did you guys direct him to the nearest hospital or what? I don't want to look stupid, but if anyone can enlighten me on side-effects, and the correct course of action to fix this problem. The only thing I can guess would be liver problems???

Thanks in Advance